London Docklands with Canary Wharf map

Downloadable royalty free vector artwork High-resolution PDFsSVGLayered Adobe Illustrator file Limited Free Pass for Dynamic Mapping Suite i

Price £35

Zoom preview showing full area of coverage (low-resolution)

Canary Wharf map
Canary Wharf map preview London Docklands map vector preview  preview

Pan to zoom / click or tap to switch

Examples of styling in the zoom previews are included as ready to use high-resolution PDF files in the download package. You can edit all colours, fonts and other elements using Adobe Illustrator or other SVG editing software.

Our editable map of Canary Wharf and London Docklands shows the business hub on the Isle of Dogs in London. The loop of the River Thames plus the individual docks and tributaries are shown, together with major buildings. Roads and the Dockland Light Railway (DLR) are shown in detail, including the Blackwall Tunnel and Greenwich Foot Tunnel.

Major landmarks south of the river are also plotted, including the O2 (Millennium Dome).

A secondary locator map is included in the download, showing the location of Docklands in relation to the City of London and Westminster. You can edit both maps as much as you want, changing colours, plotting extra locations, scaling and cropping them to suit your project.

London Docklands locator map
A secondary London Docklands locator map is included in the download – useful if you want to show how the area relates geographically to the rest of London