Supersize map of Greater London postcode districts with full road network
Downloadable royalty free vector artwork High-resolution PDFsLayered Adobe Illustrator file Limited Free Pass for Dynamic Mapping Suite iPrice £75
If you are a designer or printer looking for a map base of Greater London postcode districts to cover an entire wall, this editable artwork is scaled at 4.3 x 3.8 metres in its opening state. The backdrop is the full road network of Greater London, including local and minor roads. The major road names right across Greater London are legible at large-scale printing. London districts are labelled, and the Thames and its tributaries, plus reservoirs are also shown.
The download package includes Adobe Illustrator files and ready-to-use high-resolution PDFs in three styles. You can send any of these off to a large-format print service as they are, or edit / crop them to your area of interest before printing or outputting in another digital format.
Full-size deep-zoom watermarked preview (style 1)
Sample detail

Licensing terms
This editable map base is suitable for commercial and professional uses
See licensing terms for downloadable postcode maps
How to edit
Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, PDF editors etc
See how to edit the downloadable maps
Recommended scaling
Wall size / billboard tiles or zoomed areas
For more guidance see scaling recommendations
Access to Dynamic Mapping Suite
A Limited Free Pass for the Dynamic Mapping Suite is bundled with this map
Vector map layers in Illustrator