Political map of Ireland
Downloadable royalty free vector artwork High-resolution PDFsSVGLayered Adobe Illustrator file Limited Free Pass for Dynamic Mapping Suite iPrice £40
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Examples of styling in the zoom previews are included as ready to use high-resolution PDF files in the download package. You can edit all colours, fonts and other elements using Adobe Illustrator or other SVG editing software.
All the counties of both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland are plotted and named, and you have the option to show them with their administrative boundary lines and/or as areas of colour. The border between the Republic and Northern Ireland is on a separate layer for easy customisation.
The principal towns and roads are plotted, and Ireland’s young motorways are shown.
There is also a vast amount of detail on the Irish islands, loughs and rivers on the base layers, making an impressive backdrop to the political data.
You can customise the colour, style and visibility of any layer, and add extra data as you please.
Need more detail? There are thousands more roads, towns, villages and geographic details on our Detailed Map of Ireland.
Licensing terms
This editable map base is suitable for commercial and professional uses
See standard royalty free terms for downloadable maps
How to edit
Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, PDF editors etc
See how to edit the downloadable maps
Recommended scaling
Approx. A5 to poster size
For more guidance see scaling recommendations
Access to Dynamic Mapping Suite
A Limited Free Pass for the Dynamic Mapping Suite is bundled with this map
Vector map layers in Illustrator