Touring / physical map of Britain and Ireland (low-resolution)

Downloadable royalty free vector artwork High-resolution PDFsSVGLayered Adobe Illustrator file Limited Free Pass for Dynamic Mapping Suite i

Price £30

Zoom preview showing full area of coverage (low-resolution)

Physical map of Britain with relief
Physical map of Britain with relief preview  preview

Pan to zoom / click or tap to switch

Examples of styling in the zoom previews are included as ready to use high-resolution PDF files in the download package. You can edit all colours, fonts and other elements using Adobe Illustrator or other SVG editing software.

The low-resolution touring / physical map of the British Isles focuses on holiday and leisure places. Historic towns such as Cambridge and Bath are plotted, along with seaside resorts and popular areas of natural beauty.

Principal roads and ferry routes are all included, as are hundreds of rivers and lakes.

County boundaries are shown, and you also have a choice of using the hillshading layer or flat colours as the base. Every layer can be edited to suit your own purposes.

Britain touring map

This map is suitable for screen use or small scale printing, e.g. A4. It is not suitable for poster printing or deep zooming.

We also sell a more detailed high-resolution physical map of Britain and Ireland which can be printed much bigger than this low-resolution map. It is more expensive but also includes the low-resolution map in the bundle.