Simple outline map of Britain and Ireland

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Price £15

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Simple outline map of Britain and Ireland
Simple outline map of Britain and Ireland preview Editable vector outline map of British Isles preview Outline map of Britain and Ireland preview

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Examples of styling in the zoom previews are included as ready to use high-resolution PDF files in the download package. You can edit all colours, fonts and other elements using Adobe Illustrator or other SVG editing software.

The simplest of our Britain maps is designed for use as a small, yet elegant and accurate, image on a web page or printed publications.

It has easy option layers allowing you to highlight the component countries in any colours you want.  Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland — the largest lake in the British Isles — can also be shown if you want.

This map includes the largest islands such as the Isle of Man, Skye, Mull and the Isle of Wight. It also has the main Orkney Islands and Western Isles.

Want more detail?

For hundreds more islands, including the Channel Islands and Shetland, and coastal detail that looks great at bigger reproduction sizes, choose the detailed outline.