Maps of UK postcode areas
Downloadable royalty free vector artwork High-resolution PDFsSVGLayered Adobe Illustrator file Limited Free Pass for Dynamic Mapping Suite iPrice £30
Zoom preview showing full area of coverage (low-resolution)

Pan to zoom / click or tap to switch
Examples of styling in the zoom previews are included as ready to use high-resolution PDF files in the download package. You can edit all colours, fonts and other elements using Adobe Illustrator or other SVG editing software.
This bundle includes downloadable files of UK postcode areas plus a Limited Free Pass for the Dynamic Mapping Suite with interactive street-level postcode reference maps and postcode mapping tools. It is a superb low-cost package for both simple and advanced postcodes mapping.
The downloadable postcode area maps are suitable for commercial use, such as for businesses wanting to show postcode coverage for their customers. The 121 two-character geographic postcode areas of the United Kingdom, plus the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are shown with their letters and boundaries.
PDFs, SVG and Adobe Illustrator file formats are included for a wide variety of uses. The editable vector artwork paths have been carefully drawn so you can highlight individual postcode areas with different fill colours as well as showing their boundaries. Each area fits perfectly with its neighbours even when the map is at poster size.
The surrounding countries are included for context. You can easily shade these in a different colour or suppress them if you want to show the postcodes as a block by themselves.
There is an inset zoom box for the London postcodes if you are using the map at about A4 and want the letters for the dense London area to be legible at that size. You can easily turn off the London inset layer if you don’t want it. We also sell a separate London Postcodes Map.
There is also an optional Shetland inset box if you want to make the map fit shorter dimensions without too much sea.
The postcode areas for Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man are included on the UK postcodes map.
The download package includes versions for printing in “A” format – A4 and bigger.
For details about the online mapping element included in this bundle, see online postcode mapping tools.
Need more detail?
If you want a downloadable map showing the smaller four-character postcode districts inside these two-character postcode areas, plus towns and roads, go to the BEST UK POSTCODES MAP with all the postcode districts, post towns and roads.
Licensing terms
This editable map base is suitable for commercial and professional uses
See licensing terms for downloadable postcode maps
How to edit
Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, PDF editors etc
See how to edit the downloadable maps
Recommended scaling
Approx. A5 to poster size
For more guidance see scaling recommendations
Access to Dynamic Mapping Suite
A Limited Free Pass for the Dynamic Mapping Suite is bundled with this map
Vector map layers in Illustrator